HomesupportTransaction pending

Transaction pending

When a transaction is initiated on a blockchain network, it needs to be confirmed by the network’s nodes before it can be completed. Depending on the network’s congestion and the amount of gas provided, this process can take some time. During this time, the transaction is considered as “pending”.

If your transaction is pending for an extended period, it may be because the network is congested, and there are many other transactions waiting to be processed. In this case, you can speed up the process by providing more gas to the transaction.

Another reason for a pending transaction is that it may not have been broadcasted correctly to the network due to a poor internet connection or network error. In this case, you can try to cancel the pending transaction and initiate a new one.

It is essential to note that pending transactions do not always confirm, and there is a possibility of the transaction failing. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on the transaction’s status and ensure that it has been completed successfully.

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